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Puro Registry for durable carbon removal credits
On the Puro Registry you can view CO2 Removal Certificates, or CORCs, that have been retired and the projects that issued them. CORCs are retired when a beneficiary makes a net zero or carbon neutrality claim that is supported by the CORCs’ carbon removal properties. Each CORC represents a Net Carbon Dioxide Removal volume of one (1) metric ton of Long-Term CO2 Removal.
CO2 Removal - or Carbon dioxide removal (CDR) - is an anthropogenic activity involving removal of CO2 from the atmosphere and durably storing it in geological, terrestrial, or ocean reservoirs, or in products.
Each project is verified annually by an independent auditor to ensure that they comply with the Puro Standard science-based methodologies.
CORC100+, CORC1000+ are certificate labels used to communicate storage durability in years for different Methodologies. The label is for information only and does not express the exact duration that the carbon is retained in the storage (see definition in Puro Standard General Rules 4.0). Prior to Puro General Rules 3.0 (Dec 2022) all certificates were labeled "CORC" across different storage types ranging at the time from 50 years to geological time spans. developed the first carbon removal methodologies for biochar, carbonated materials, terrestrial storage of biomass, enhanced rock weathering, and geologically stored carbon that can be captured through various means, including Direct Air Capture (DAC) and Bio-energy with Carbon Capture & Storage (BECCS).
In contrast to traditional carbon offsets that focus on reduced emissions, CORCs exclusively entail high-quality carbon removals, also known as carbon sequestration.
The data in Puro Registry is updated on a daily basis. Data prior to January 2022 is made available when consent is received from both parties. The Beneficiary can request a delay in publishing, no longer than 12 months.